
I love me some lemons!

There are just so fresh and clean.

I have been known to “glean” a dozen {or more} off my mom’s neighbors tree. There on her side of the fence, so according to Judge Judy and me…it’s ok!...?

Let’s get the goods of these babies shall we!

They are super chic {and cheap} pilled high in a big white ironstone bowl {love, love, ironstone}.

They make a room feel crisp and bright and they are fabulous to clean with.

Clean copper-bottomed pots and pans with lemon juice. Copper fixtures can also benefit from a lemon juice cleaning. Cut a lemon in half. Dip it in some salt, and clean spots from your copper.

Add To Vinegar

Vinegar can be a great cleaning ingredient, but many people dislike the vinegar smell. Adding lemon juice to vinegar when cleaning can help neutralize the vinegar smell.


Countertop stains can be removed by allowing lemon juice to sit on the stain for a few minutes. Scrub the area with baking soda and watch the stains disappear. Don't leave the lemon juice sitting for too long. It can be powerful stuff.


Lemon rinds can be ground in the garbage disposal to freshen the drain. Hot water with a little lemon poured down a drain will also freshen the drain.


Lemon juice acts as a natural bleaching agent. Put lemon juice onto white linens and clothing and allow them to dry in the sun. Stains will be bleached away.

*** Disclaimer! My mom’s neighbor allows me to “steel” said lemons. ***

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about limes? I've got a lime tree. Since I don't drink beer, what the heck do I do with them?? LOL
Mary Mary