
If you were a fly on the wall this weekend you heard this conversation...

Papa Blessing?

Can I write a check for $995,000 ?

Why ?

You know that house that I have been in LOVE with for 10 years?
Yea ???

I'm standing in the middle of it!

I HEART it!!

Can I have it???

Just look at all that fabulous waive glass!Okay, maybe not the grand kitchen you would expect to see for a million bucks...but, it is a old farm house after all.
Cant you just hear the Blessing running up and down these fabulous stairs!?
My new studio?

Oh, and we could grow old together on this ol' porch !

I'll never ask for anything again!




Anonymous said...

Where is that? I heart that place too!

Anonymous said...

Me three and I love the vented kitchen cabinet doors.