
I’m thankful for:

A wonderful, merciful Savior that laid down his life for me

My sweet husband that puts up with me, and all that entails

Fingerprints on the wall

The echoes of “Mama, Mama, Mama ten thousand times a day

My parents and their example (s) of Christ’s love

Girlfriends that plunge toilets { yup, you read that right}, carpool blessings, bring meals, fold laundry

The smell of Basil


The best BFF ever in the whole wide world

My church family and all they brings to my life

Eva Cassidy

Tony and Guy hair products


Lego all over the floor
{have you ever stepped on one of those bad~boys in the middle of the night? Have Mercy !}

Flea Markets

The legacy of living for Christ shown in the lives of my Grandmother, Great Aunt and Aunt

My washer and dryer

Mayo{stop, its good}

Down pillows

White dishes

…… and so much more…….

Happy Thanksgiving!

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