
source unknown

Today, I want to move!

Sure, we have fabulous weather in Cali {as I write this post it is 77 degrees and it is January}….but, I am so over California.
I mean, come on, I'm not even a blond anymore.

I want Southern hospitality....

Mid-western neighbors....

Here is the clincher….I could not get the blessings in the car fast enough for the Papa Blessing …..he is so “otta-here”.

It’s me.

I’m a baby!

Kinda shy…afraid of being the newbie.

Tomorrow this mood will change.

This is today’s rant!

………………………………..or is it??????


Anonymous said...

you may NOT move! I would have to hunt you down & drag you back by your hair! I love the SuperHumans more than well, Starbucks!

Rose Carey said...

I so hear ya! As soon as my youngest is out of high school, I'm so behind you in saying good bye to life in CA. Want to move where life is a little simpler and slower...