
I often have a bad practice of allowing peoples “toxic” {that’s my new buzz word...I have been using it so much that No. 2 girl blessing said it about someone the other day} behaviors towards me, or my family to fester in my heart
{like mold on cheese…hairy and just gross}.

This morning as I was doing just that, God spoke to my heart …with you He may speak with a whisper.Others, maybe a soft nudge. Me? It’s like a large “Fred Flintstone “hammer to the head!

Get over it”! I am God. I am bigger and great than this entire mess, and I have it all in the palm of my hand”!

Life is sticky and messy and YES people are too…but, you know what not everyone is!
I have been SO blessed to be surrounded by sunny,happy Godly woman that love and support me…in spite of myself! If you are one of those “peeps” {and you know who you are} … I love you and thank you for being you and allowing me to be me!


Rose Carey said...

I recently had the same message from the big man upstairs...I feel so blessed to be reminded by him every day about what really matters - my family and the wonderful girlfriends who surround me each and every day!

Your booth looked great at GF and I love my purchases from you.


Anonymous said...

Oh man! As long as she isn't singing the Britney "Toxic" ....lol. You are 1 hot mama and I am so grateful for you!!!